Tuition Classification

Georgia Student Tuition

Students who are classified as Georgia Students under TCSG’s residence policies and procedures will be charged the rate of tuition set for in-state students by TCSG.

Out-of-State Tuition

CPTC students who are classified as Out-of-State students under TCSG’s residence policies and procedures will be charged a rate of tuition twice that charged for students who are classified as Georgia students.

The Commissioner of TCSG or President of CPTC may approve exceptions to this provision, provided:

  • A written statement of reason is on file or there is evidence of a written reciprocity agreement with appropriate institutions in another state.
  • The Commissioner may approve agency-wide exceptions to this policy under certain circumstances. (i.e., National Emergencies, etc.)

Under no circumstances shall Out-of-State students be charged tuition or fees lower than the fees charged to Georgia students.

All fees, other than tuition, shall be at the same rate for all students.

Out-of-state students shall be enrolled in the College on a space-available basis and shall not displace any Georgia student desiring to enroll at CPTC.

Non-Citizen Tuition

Non-Citizen Students shall not be classified as Georgia Students for tuition purposes unless lawfully present in this state and there is evidence to warrant consideration of that classification. They are to be charged a rate of tuition four times that charged for students who are classified as Georgia Students.

Lawful permanent residents, refugees, asylees, or other Eligible Non-Citizens as defined by federal regulations may be extended the same consideration as citizens of the United States in determining whether they qualify as Georgia Students.

Students who reside in the United States under nonimmigrant status conditioned at least in part upon intent not to abandon a foreign domicile are NOT eligible to qualify as Georgia Students for tuition purposes.

All fees, other than tuition, shall be at the same rate for all students.