Geriatric Care Assistant GC51

Technical Certificate of Credit
Location Alma, Baxley, Golden Isles, Hazlehurst, Jesup, Waycross Degree Works

The Geriatric Care Assistant Technical Certificate provides the basic knowledge and skills needed to qualify for employment as a nurse aide in nursing homes, elder personal care homes, and home healthcare agencies. The certificate emphasizes geriatric patient care, CPR, and first aid. Students successfully completing the certificate are eligible to be placed on the State Registry for nurse aides.

Entrance Requirements

  • Submit a completed application;
  • High School diploma or equivalent required for Graduation: Yes
  • Age Requirement: na
  • Submit official high school/high school equivalent transcripts, if applicable;
  • Submit official college transcripts, if applicable;
  • Satisfy Placement Testing requirements.

Nurse Aide Course Selection — 6.00-7.00 Hours

Item #
Max Credits
Minimum Nurse Aide Course Selection Credit Hours
Minimum Credit Hours for Graduation