Basic Commercial Fisherman

Degrees and Certificates


FISH 1001: Basic Health & Safety in Commercial Fishing

Credits 3
The Basic Health and Safety course aims to provide with the knowledge and skills required to work safely on board a commercial fishing vessel. The course covers basic health and safety issues, CPR, personal protective equipment, as well as firefighting and fire prevention.

Program Admission.

FISH 1002: Seamanship and Watchkeeping

Credits 3
The Seamanship and Watchkeeping course provides students with the knowledge of the fishing vessel, the skills and techniques required for operating a commercial fishing vessel. Topics include weather reading, radio communication, and signals and navigation of the vessel.

Program Admission.

FISH 1003: Basic Commercial Fishing Practices

Credits 3
This course provides an understanding and familiarity with common commercial fishing practices and gear relevant to commercial fishing in the region. Topics include fishing gear, operations, deck handling, electronic equipment, basic maintenance and product marketing.

Program Admission.

FISH 1004: Introduction to Fisheries Science and Management

Credits 3
The Introduction to Fisheries Science and Management course provides students with a basic knowledge and understanding of regional fish species and the licensing and management of a commercial fishing operation. Topics include biology of fish species, life history of species, commercial fishing regulations, commercial fishing licensing, and financial management.

Program Admission.