Business Technology

Degrees and Certificates


BCST 1000: Interpersonal Development

Credits 2

This course helps the student to develop self-actualization skills. It includes skill development to: work together effectively in a team, identify the steps involved in the job interviewing and job search process, appreciate difficult customers and provides the student with skills to calm angry customers and to resolve their problems, create an awareness of the importance of image, become more comfortable dealing with conflict situations, and to better understand and serve multicultural customers, both internal customers (co-workers) or external customers.

BCST 1010: Survey of Technology

Credits 3

This course provides the student with an introduction to computer use and the Microsoft operating environment. It is designed as a guide for the beginner. Topics include working in the Windows operating environment, word processing, spreadsheets, databases and electronic animated presentations.

BCST 1020: Office Management

Credits 2

This course provides the student with basic principles of operating a business, using numbers in business to perform many calculations, draft concise, easy-to-read business correspondence, help participants to identify, prioritize and re-prioritize tasks as situations arise and change and introduce a systematic problem-solving process to be applied in a customer service setting.

BCST 1030: Advanced Office Management

Credits 2

This course provides students with skills necessary to communicate with customers and successfully manage that relationship in both telephone and face-to-face situations. Topics include: skills to effectively communicate with customers using business language, developing rapport with customers, problem solving in customer service, telephone skills, and sales skills in the service environment.

BUSN 1000: Computers in Healthcare

Credits 3

Introduces the fundamental concepts, terminology, and operations necessary to use computers in a business healthcare setting. Emphasis is placed on familiarity with basic computer functions and computer use; the role of information technology in business healthcare decision-making; and legal, ethical, and privacy issues related to computer use in the business healthcare environment. Topics include an introduction to computer terminology, the Windows environment, Cloud computing, data security, Internet and email, word processing software, spreadsheet software, database software, and presentation software.

BUSN 1000 or COMP 1000: Computers in Healthcare Or Intro to Computer Literacy

Credits 3

BUSN 1000 
Introduces the fundamental concepts, terminology, and operations necessary to use computers in a business healthcare setting. Emphasis is placed on familiarity with basic computer functions and computer use; the role of the information technology in business healthcare decision-making; and legal, ethical, and privacy issues related to computer use in the business healthcare environment. Topics include an introduction to computer terminology, the Windows environment, Cloud computing, data security, Internet and email, word processing software, spreadsheet software, database software, and presentation software.


COMP 1000
This course introduces the fundamental concepts, terminology, and operations necessary to use computers. Emphasis is placed on basic functions and familiarity with computer use. Topics include introductions to computer and digital terminology and usage, operating systems, Internet and digital communication, word processing applications, spreadsheet applications, database applications, and presentation applications.


BUSN 1010: Medical Terminology, Anatomy, and Diseases for Business

Credits 6

Focuses on medical terminology, anatomy, and diseases and disorders of each major human body system: Integumentary System, Skeletal System, Muscular System, Nervous System, Sensory System, Endocrine System, Cardiovascular System, Lymphatic System, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Urinary System, Reproductive Systems of the Male and Female, and Development, Heredity, and Genetics.

BUSN 1015: Introduction to Healthcare Reimbursement

Credits 3

This course is designed to increase efficiency and streamline administrative procedures for healthcare insurance billing and reimbursement. Topics include documentation in the medical record, types of insurance, Medicare compliance policies related to documentation and confidentiality, and HIPAA and other compliance regulations.


Choose One of the Following:
ALHS 1090, or BUSN 1010, or BUSN 2300

BUSN 1100: Introduction to Keyboarding

Credits 3

This course introduces the touch system of keyboarding placing emphasis on correct techniques. Topics include: computer hardware, computer software, file management, learning the alphabetic keyboard, the numeric keyboard and keypad, building speed and accuracy, and proofreading. Students attain a minimum of 25 GWAM (gross words a minute) on 3-minute timings with no more than 3 errors.

BUSN 1240: Office Procedures

Credits 3

Emphasizes essential skills required for the business office. Topics include: office protocol, time management, telecommunications and telephone techniques, office equipment, workplace mail, records management, travel/meeting arrangements, electronic mail, and workplace documents.

BUSN 1300: Introduction to Business

Credits 3

Introduces organization and management concepts of the business world and in the office environment. Topics include business in a global economy, starting and organizing a business, enterprise management, marketing strategies and financial management.

BUSN 1340: Customer Service Effectiveness

Credits 3

This course emphasizes the importance of customer service throughout all businesses. Topics include: customer service challenges and problem solving; strategies for successful customer service; effective communication and dealing with difficult customers; empowerment, motivation, and leadership; customer retention and satisfaction measurement; and excellence in customer service.

BUSN 1400: Word Processing Applications

Credits 4

This course covers the knowledge and skills required to use word processing software through course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Minimal document keying will be necessary, as students will work with existing documents to learn the functions and features of the word processing application. Topics and assignments will include: word processing concepts, customizing documents, formatting content, working with visual content, organizing content, reviewing documents, sharing and securing content.

BUSN 1410: Spreadsheet Concepts & Applications

Credits 4

This course covers the knowledge and skills required to use spreadsheet software through course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Topics and assignments will include: spreadsheet concepts, creating and manipulating data, formatting data and content, creating and modifying formulas, presenting data visually and, collaborating and securing data.

BUSN 1420: Database Applications

Credits 4

This course covers the knowledge and skills required to use database management software through course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Topics and assignments will include: database concepts, structuring databases, creating and formatting database elements, entering and modifying data, creating and modifying queries, presenting and sharing data, and managing and maintaining databases.

BUSN 1430: Desktop Publishing & Presentation Applications

Credits 4

This course covers the knowledge and skills required to use desktop publishing (DTP) software and presentation software to create business publications and presentations. Course work will include course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Topics include: desktop publishing concepts, basic graphic design, publication layout, presentation design, and practical applications.

BUSN 1440: Document Production

Credits 4

Reinforces the touch system of keyboarding placing emphasis on correct techniques with adequate speed and accuracy and producing properly formatted business documents. Topics include: reinforcing correct keyboarding technique, building speed and accuracy, formatting business documents, language arts, proofreading, and work area management. Prerequisite BUSN 1000 or the ability to key 25 gross words a minute on 3-minute timings with no more than 3 errors.


The ability to key 25 gross words a minute on 3-minute timings with no more than 3 errors.

BUSN 1800: Introduction to Healthcare Accounting

Credits 3

Course emphasizes the fundamentals of accounting and finance theory to decisions in healthcare environments. Emphasis on management problems and policy issues regarding allocation of resources, payment systems, capital investments, and budgeting.

BUSN 2160: Electronic Mail Applications

Credits 2

This course provides instruction in the fundamentals of communicating with others inside and outside the organization via a personal information management program. Emphasizes the concepts necessary for individuals and workgroups to organize, find, view, and share information via electronic communication channels. Topics include: Internal and External Communication, Message Management, Calendar Management, Navigation, Contact and Task Management, and Security and Privacy.

BUSN 2170: Web Page Design

Credits 2

This course provides instruction in the concepts necessary for individuals to create and manage professional quality web sites. Topics include: Web Site Creation, Web Page Development and Design, Hyper link Creation, Test, and Repair, Integration, Web Site Navigation, and Web Site Management.

BUSN 2200: Office Accounting

Credits 4

Introduces fundamental concepts of the accounting cycle for a sole proprietor service business. Topics include: accounting equation, analyzing business transactions, journalizing and posting transactions, accounts receivable and accounts payable subsidiary ledgers, financial statements, cash control, and payroll concepts

BUSN 2210: Applied Office Procedures

Credits 3

This course focuses on applying knowledge and skills learned in prior courses taken in the program. Topics include: communications skills, telecommunications skills, records management skills, office equipment/supplies, and integrated programs/applications. Serves as a capstone course.

BUSN 2230: Office Management

Credits 3

Provide students with an overview of management concepts, styles, and skills. Topics include: management styles, leadership traits, ergonomics/workflow, communication channels, business ethics, supervisory techniques, and job performance evaluation techniques.

BUSN 2240: Business Administrative Assistant Internship I

Credits 4

Provides student work experience in a professional environment. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills, work environment functions, and listening/following directions. Students will be under the supervision of the Business Administrative Technology program faculty and/or persons designated to coordinate work experience arrangements.

BUSN 2250: Business Administrative Assistant Internship II

Credits 6

Provides student work experience in a professional environment. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills, work environment functions, and listening/following directions. Students will be under the supervision of the Business Administrative Technology program faculty and/or persons designated to coordinate work experience arrangements.

BUSN 2290: Applied Business Technology

Credits 3

This course focuses on applying knowledge and skills learned in prior courses taken in the program. Topics include: communications skills, records management skills, office management skills, and career readiness. This course serves as a capstone course.

BUSN 2300: Medical Terminology

Credits 2

Introduces the basic spelling and pronunciation of medical terms, and the use of these terms as they relate to anatomy, treatment, surgery, and drugs. Topics include: word analysis, word elements, spelling, pronunciation, and semantics.

BUSN 2310: Anatomy & Terminology for the Medical Administrative Assistant

Credits 3

Introduces the structure and function of the human body including medical terminology. Topics covered include information which will provide the medical office assistant with the knowledge needed to communicate with office staff, physicians, and patients and to assist in completion of medical reports generated in the medical office. Topics include: body structures, body functions, and medical terminology.

BUSN 2330: Adv. Medical Document Processing & Transcription

Credits 4

Continues the development of speed and accuracy in the transcription of medical reports with emphasis on a variety of medical specialization. Topics include: equipment and supplies maintenance and usage, work area management, spelling, definitions, punctuation, processing/transcription speed and accuracy, resource utilization, pronunciation, and medical transcription work ethics.

BUSN 2340: Healthcare Administrative Procedures

Credits 4

Emphasizes essential skills required for the business healthcare office. Introduces the knowledge, skills, and procedures needed to understand billing purposes. Introduces the basic concept of business healthcare administrative assisting and its relationship to the other health fields. Emphasizes healthcare regulations and ethics; and, the healthcare administrative assistant's role as an agent of the physician. Provides the student with knowledge and the essentials of professional behavior.

Topics include: introduction to business healthcare procedures, healthcare regulations ethics, healthcare records management, scheduling appointments, health insurance, billing/collection, work area management, resource utilization, and office equipment.

BUSN 2350: Electronic Health Records

Credits 3

This course provides a study of the content, code sets, storage, retrieval, control, flow, retention, maintenance of electronic health records, and computerized office management. Topics include: electronic healthcare information management, electronic data interchange, coding standards, health record and office management software, point of entry data entry, electronic coding from health records, speed data entry in processing healthcare records, analysis of records to improve patient care, confidentiality, release of information, security of electronic healthcare record, communication, technology, insurance payment, managed care, posting to accounts, appointment schedules, practice management, report generation, customizing medical documents, claims management, collections management, and HIPAA security.


Or either: BUSN 2300 or ALHS 1090; and one of BUSN 2310 or ALHS 1011 

For the Technology Requirement Select: BUSN 1000 or COMP 1000.

BUSN 2375: Healthcare Coding

Credits 3

Provides an introduction to medical coding skills and the application of international coding standards as it applies to healthcare billing for insurance purposes. Topics include: current procedural terminology, International Classification of Diseases, code book formats, coding techniques, formats of the ICD and CPT manuals, and collections.

BUSN 2380: Medical Administrative Assistant Internship I

Credits 4

Provides student work experience in a medical office environment. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills, work environment functions, and listening/following directions. Students will be under the supervision of the Business Technology program faculty and/or persons designated to coordinate work experience arrangements.


Student must be in the last semester of program.  With advisor approval, may take concurrently with last semester courses.

BUSN 2390: Medical Administrative Assistant Internship II

Credits 6

Provides student work experience in a medical office environment. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills, work environment functions, and listening/following directions. Students will be under the supervision of the Business Technology program faculty and/or persons designated to coordinate work experience arrangements.


Student must be in the last semester of program. With advisor approval, may take concurrently with last semester courses.

BUSN 2400: Healthcare Procedural Coding

Credits 3

Provides the knowledge and skills to apply the coding of procedures for billing purposes using the Physician's Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) resources and the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS). Topics include: format of CPT/HCPCS manual, CPT/HCPCS coding guidelines, and coding using the CPT/HCPCS resources. Upon completion, students should be able to apply coding principles to correctly assign CPT/HCPCS codes and apply systems to optimize reimbursement.

BUSN 2440: Healthcare Leadership & Professional Effectiveness

Credits 3

Emphasizes essential skills required for leadership and professional success in healthcare organizations. Introduces the functions, practices, and advanced interpersonal relationships, critical thinking, and problem solving. Provides the student with knowledge and the essentials of professional leadership behaviors. Topics include: introduction to the supervisory role, the volatile healthcare environment, the dual nature of supervisory roles, basic functions of management, delegation, empowerment, self-management, interviewing, recruitment, professionalism, decision making managing change, professional meetings, quality, productivity, teams, and continuing education.

BUSN 2460: Healthcare Organizational Behavior & Theory

Credits 3

Emphasizes essential skills required for the management of healthcare practices. Introduces the functions, practices, and advanced administrative skills. Emphasis is placed on management skills including practice management, personnel supervision, marketing, financial planning, and addressing health disparities. Provides the student with knowledge and the essentials of professional managerial behavior. Topics include: introduction to organizational behavior, diversity in health care, attitudes and perceptions, workplace communication, theories of motivation, leadership, conflict management, groups and group dynamics, team and team building, organizational development, and change theory.

BUSN 2810: Healthcare Compliance

Credits 3

This course covers how healthcare law and related regulations are formulated, and the impact of those laws on payers, providers, patients, and healthcare businesses. Emphasis is placed on legal compliance in the healthcare industry. Topics covered included in-depth coverage and analysis of implementation of the healthcare reform law, fraud and abuse laws, anti-kickback, false claims, Stark anti-referral provisions, Medicare and Medicaid, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), the HITECH Act and related regulations, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA).

BUSN 2850: Health Record Auditing

Credits 3

This course provides an introduction to the principles of medical auditing. Emphasis will be placed on key areas of regulation, medical record documentation, chart abstraction, and developing coding compliance plans. Topics include: coding compliance, importance of documentation, medical necessity, coding compliance programs, auditing, auditing prevention techniques, and emerging technologies.

COMP 1000: Introduction to Computer Literacy

Credits 3

This course introduces the fundamental concepts, terminology, and operations necessary to use computers. Emphasis is placed on basic functions and familiarity with computer use. Topics include introductions to computer and digital terminology and usage, operating systems, Internet and digital communication, word processing applications, spreadsheet applications, database applications, and presentation applications.

MGMT 1120: Introduction to Business

Credits 3

This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of the functions of business in the market system. The student will gain an understanding of the numerous decisions that must be made by managers and owners of businesses. Topics include: the market system, the role of supply and demand, financial management, legal issues in
business, employee relations, ethics, and marketing.

MGMT 2210: Project Management

Credits 3

Provides a basic understanding of project management functions and processes. Topics include: team selection and management; project planning, definition, and scheduling of tasks; resource negotiation, allocation, and leveling; project control, monitoring, and reporting; computer tools for project planning and scheduling; managing complex relationships between the project team and other organizations; critical path methodology; and total quality management.

MKTG 2500: Exploring Social Media

Credits 3

This course explores the environment and current trends of social media as it relates to marketing functions.  Topics include: the history of the internet and social media, social media dashboards, legal issues of social media, outsourcing vs. in-house administration, and the current social media ecosystem including applications in the following areas: communication, collaboration/authority building, multimedia, reviews and opinions, and entertainment.